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Hybrid Event

What is a hybrid event?

A hybrid event is an event that is planned, publicized, and hosted partially online and partially in-person. “Hybrid” most commonly refers to how the attendees participate in the event, usually a mixture of people who are at the event space and others attending virtually from their computers or smartphones.

But “hybrid” can also refer to content delivery. For example, attendees might sit and listen to a live speaker and then take part in virtual discussion groups–even in the weeks after the conference.

The power of a hybrid event is that it combines all the energy and excitement of a live event with the flexibility and accessibility of a virtual one. Although virtual and hybrid events existed before the pandemic, the pandemic made them mainstream as we had to adapt to new regulations around gathering and safety concerns with travel. But the upside to all this is that we’ve all become way more comfortable taking part in them.

Hybrid events have a ton of potential for monetization too. They let the hosts mix higher-price live ticket sales with more affordable options for those who want to participate virtually. They could also choose virtual upsells, for example, the opportunity to belong to an event community after. This means that your event can reach way more people and the momentum can continue long after it’s over.

Now Read: What’s The Best Hybrid Event Platform?