Put Your Brand in the App Stores Without Expensive, Slow Custom Development

Bring your brand’s community, content, events & conferences, videos & live streaming, online courses, memberships, and payments together into beautifully branded native apps that you own and control.

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Your online business. Your community. All together in your own branded apps.

Custom app development is a miserable task

Before Mighty Pro, the only option was complex and costly custom app development. One-third of our customers tried custom development, abandoned it, and then created their native apps with Mighty Pro.

Is This You
Your online business + community together

Your online business + community together

Mighty Pro is for brands, organizations, and successful creators who understand the power of bringing your people together in your own native apps.

No code, no app maintenance

No code, no app maintenance

You own the apps and your app store listings. We handle everything else including your launch, design customization, and VIP technical support.

Robust branding and customization

Robust branding and customization

Create immersive member experiences with flexible branding options. These are your apps and are white-labeled to your brand.

Advanced analytics

Advanced analytics

Get total visibility into your retention and revenue. We’ve reimagined community analytics for data-driven organizations.

You own the data

You own the data

Easily extract for custom analysis including one-click downloads of pre-built dashboards, 30+ member fields, and advanced export options.

Your brand in the Apple App & Google Play stores in as little as 4 weeks

  1. Kickoff & Design

    Strategy setting and branding with our experts.

  2. Submit Apps

    Our team handles the hard stuff.

  3. Training

    On the Mighty Pro product and community strategy.

  4. Launch

    Your brand new community is live on desktop, iOS, and Android.

  5. Ongoing Strategy & Support

    We maintain and update your app. You’ll have access to weekly office hours and live trainings.

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Yoga with Adriene Grew to 200,000+ Members

This influencer’s followers were getting burnt out switching between different platforms. Bringing them together under her own brand was a game-changer.

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Frequently asked questions

What is Mighty Pro?
Can I customize my web and apps to my brand?
Do I own my app store listings?
Do you have SSO integration?
How are notifications and email integrations handled?
What is your pricing model?
Do I really own my member data and audience data?

Ready to see how your brand would look on Mighty Pro?

Request a Call