List of Mighty Networks Subprocessors

These Subprocessors set out below provide cloud hosting and storage services; content delivery services; analytics; assist in providing customer support; as well as incident tracking, response, diagnosis and resolution services.

AmazonWashington, USACloud hosting
AppleCalifornia, USARuns iOS mobile apps, notifications and analytics
BaremetricsCalifornia, USAFinancial analytics
Branch.ioCalifornia, USALinking service for mobile apps
BrazeNew York, USACustomer engagement platform
CrashlyticsMassachusetts, USAError logging and alerts for mobile apps
FacebookCalifornia, USAAllows sign-in, marketing
FiveTranCalifornia, USAData pipeline solutions
GoogleCalifornia, USADelivers Android mobile app, notifications and analytics; tracks web and mobile traffic
HoneybadgerWashington, USAError logging and alerts for servers
ImgIXCalifornia, USALoads images and presents images to use in browser
ImageKitIndiaLoads images and presents images to use in browser
IntercomCalifornia, USACustomer Support
LinkedInCalifornia, USAAllows sign-in
LookerCalifornia, USAAnalytics
KalturaNew York, USAVideo Hosting Service
MailchimpGeorgia, USATransactional email service
MailgunCalifornia, USAContent Delivery
MaxMindMassachusetts, USAReverse IP lookup
New RelicCalifornia, USAError logging and server alerts
PusherLondon, EnglandRealtime notifications
QuadernoLas Palmas, SpainLooks up tax rates by IP location and sends invoices for Stripe payments
SlackCalifornia, USATeam chat, tracks system integrations
SnowflakeCalifornia, USAData cloud services
StripeCalifornia, USAPayment processing
TrackJSMinnesota, USAError logging and alerts for JavaScript
Translation ExchangeCalifornia, USATranslation toolkit
ZapierCalifornia, USAIntegrations
ZendeskCalifornia, USACustomer service support
ZoomCalifornia, USAIntegrations