
The Best Mighty Networks Alternatives

How do Mighty Networks alternatives compare to the real thing? Let’s take a look.

When it comes to finding a website builder that lets you create memberships, online courses, content, and a thriving community all in one place, all under your brand, and instantly available on every platform, there haven’t been a lot of options available. 

Until Mighty Networks

A Mighty Network is a website builder, online course platform, and flexible membership site software rolled into one solution. It’s offered under your own brand, and is instantly available on every device with the option of even offering your Mighty Network on your own mobile apps

Creating your own Mighty Network means bringing your community, content, and online courses together in one place without the need for a separate Facebook group. There’s a “forever free” version of a Mighty Network, as well as paid plans that offer additional features. 

Given the ways a Mighty Network is being used by hundreds of thousands of creators today, it’s somewhat of a challenge to identify and evaluate compelling Mighty Networks alternatives. 

What other platforms are out there? Does anyone else offer the same combination of features? What else should someone consider when evaluating alternatives to Mighty Networks?

This article is here to help. 

We’ve searched the Internet for the best Mighty Networks alternatives that offer some combination of membership, online courses, and community. Here’s what we found. 

Exactly what makes a Mighty Network special?

Mighty Networks is an all-in-one platform for creative businesses, brands, and creators that is powered by community. We started as a community platform whose customers saw the opportunity for them to add online courses and membership features, including paid subscriptions, to their offering. 

For many savvy creators & entrepreneurs they recognized early on that a strong community like the one they found on Mighty Networks meant their students finished their courses at a higher rate, bought more courses, and got more value from their membership subscriptions–sending loyalty through the roof.

Better retention equaled more revenue, plain and simple. And a community on a Mighty Network led to better retention. 

As a result, Mighty Networks evolved from a community platform to something much more. It replaced the need for creators to have a separate online course platform, payment gateway, and Facebook group with a community-powered platform that gets more valuable to every member with each new person who joins.   

Most Mighty Networks alternatives started somewhere else, too. Typically, with content, online courses, email, or digital membership sales. And while these alternatives to Mighty Networks do their primary thing well, the problem is that these other pieces aren’t nearly as powerful as offering courses, content, and memberships within a community. In fact, the glaring absence of strong peer-to-peer connections, messaging, and profiles have driven many creators from Kajabi, Teachable, Podia, Tribe, and AccessAlly to launch and grow a thriving Mighty Network.

Other benefits of a Mighty Network to consider when evaluating alternatives:

Affordability. With a Mighty Network, you have options no matter what your budget. Unlike many Mighty Networks alternatives, our platform is built to reduce the need for a plethora of integrations to make your community work. Why? Because integrations are the aspect that will raise your recurring costs astronomically. 

Better results through community. With its strong emphasis on community, on a Mighty Network, your members get multiple ways to foster connections, from direct & group messaging and a relevant, personalized activity feed, to multiple kinds of polls and Q&As. 

Members can not only build relationships with members near them and like them, but these connections only get deeper when you layer in online courses, workshops, and events–keeping people coming back and renewing their subscription, month after month.  

Online courses unlike anything else in the market. Hosting online courses within a Mighty Network allows you to share your expertise and experience with members who share the same motivations and passions as you do. But where most online course platforms focus on the content, expecting you to use a Facebook group for your community, a Mighty Network’s online courses are different.

In fact, you have three different ways to offer your online courses:

  1. Run a course “live” where the community is front and center, adding course content as you go. 

  2. A course with a dedicated course community only available to students of that course. A Mighty Network is the only platform where you can deliver a course and dedicated course community together. 

  3. A course with content only. On par with other Mighty Networks alternatives, you still have the option to turn off comments and community and just offer course content in a Mighty Network too. 

A beautiful website builder and home for your paid memberships. With a Mighty Network, it’s easy to set up an intuitive and streamlined home for your brand on the web. Plus, your members will be able to access an easy-to-use native app on their mobile devices at any time. No coding required. 

Plus, when you’re ready to charge for membership or launch online courses, a Mighty Network gives you a lot of options for payments. You can charge for access to your overall Mighty Network or leave it free and just charge for an online course or group within your Mighty Network. If those options feel too limited, you can also create bundles of online courses and/or groups that you can sell annually, monthly, or with an one-time payment. 

Now that we’ve established the strengths of a Mighty Network, let’s look at how the alternatives to Mighty Networks compare. 

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Mighty Networks alternative #1: Kajabi

The first Mighty Networks alternative we’re going to look at is Kajabi. Kajabi is a membership and course platform designed to run paid memberships and market, sell, and deliver online courses. 

Kajabi pros

Course content flexibility. When it comes to online courses, Kajabi offers a variety of course content structures. You can set up courses with text, files, photos and videos; engage students with quizzes and polls; and deliver online courses by dropping them all at once, dripping them out by date, or requiring a student to finish a prior lesson first. 

Marketing your online courses or memberships. Where Kajabi really makes its mark is on how it lets instructors market and sell their courses with robust marketing tools to deliver email campaigns, welcome flows, weekly updates, and more; marketing landing pages to create email waitlists or sell exclusive “windows” for purchase; and checkout and payments that support multiple currencies around the world.  

Kajabi cons

It’s expensive. As far as alternatives to Mighty Networks go, Kajabi is the most expensive. Its most basic plan starts at $119 a month. This is exaserbated by the fact that you'll be paying for many integrations for business in addition to Kajabi's monthly cost.

No community. While Kajabi offers a web-only online forum, it’s ultimately a one-note solution. It’s why the vast majority of Kajabi instructors use Facebook groups for their online courses or Kajabi memberships.

No mobile apps. Where a Mighty Network is delivered both on the web and native iPhone and Android apps that run directly on your phone or tablet, no alternative to Mighty Networks does the same. Kajabi has a mobile website it has wrapped in an app, but doesn’t offer the elegant, natural interactions of a Mighty Networks mobile app.

Mighty Networks alternative #2: Teachable

Teachable is the dominant platform for online course instructors that want to offer their courses on their own website under their own brand. As far as a Mighty Networks alternatives, if you’re looking for a different place to run your online courses, Teachable is a strong contender after Kajabi. 

Teachable pros

Easy to set up. Building an online course on Teachable is a straightforward process. The online course platform allows you to add multiple content types to your courses, including videos and quizzes. 

Enables certification. Unlike a Mighty Network, Teachable gives course creators the option to create certificates for course completion. 

Supports multiple currencies. Teachable also lets you sell your online courses around the world with multiple currencies.  

Teachable cons

No community. Like the other Mighty Networks alternatives, Teachable doesn’t offer a community option, period. Many course creators end up going one of two ways. Most start Facebook groups, where they have little control over what their students see (including their own messages and posts). Others forgo a community all together, driving down their student completion rates, mastery of the material, and relationship to their brand or course content. 

Mighty Networks created its online course feature as an alternative to Teachable triggered by course instructors who started to use a Mighty Network instead of a Facebook group. As a result, it’s a superior solution. 

No membership features. Teachable is not designed to be a membership site. It exclusively powers online courses, limiting the upsell and cross-sell opportunities of course creators who want to offer ongoing membership subscriptions to alumni or creatively deliver new courses to long-time members. 

No mobile apps. Again, while they claim native mobile app access, it’s just not there. The mobile web is a slower, more clunky alternative which is accessible but also introduces glitches and challenges just not found on Mighty Networks. 

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Mighty Networks alternative #3: Podia

Podia is a digital storefront that lets you create and sell online courses, memberships, and content downloads. 

Podia pros

Beautiful, flexible content that’s easy to set up. Podia is a content creator’s alternative to Mighty Networks. It’s great if you don’t care about community or see the value in making peer-to-peer connections, running events, or adding membership benefits beyond published blogs and courses. It’s built to display and consume content beautifully, whether in online courses, memberships, or in downloads.

Where Podia cons

Expensive. Podia doesn’t offer a free option with plans starting at $79 per month.  

Limited customization. With Podia, you won’t be able to build a dynamic website with your own branding. Plus, there’s no option for mobile app access, so your students won’t have a dedicated place to access their courses and content on their tablet or mobile device. 

No community. There’s no standalone community space on the site, meaning members can only engage with your content, not each other. 

A one-dimensional course builder. Podia’s courses may be wrapped in a well-designed package, but the platform’s course builder is limited. Yes, you’ll be able to build out custom courses, but you won’t be able to add graded quizzes, assignments, or course certification. 

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Mighty Networks alternative #4: Tribe

Tribe is a platform that caters to big companies who want to add a community to their existing website. It is a Mighty Networks alternative for Mighty Networks enterprise solution, Mighty Pro

Tribe pros

White label corporate community. Like Mighty Networks, Tribe reflects how powerful a community can be, especially for big companies that are typically pretty removed from their customers. Members can use Tribe to ask questions, start discussions, share content, participate in polls and more on both a company’s website and their own native mobile apps. 

White label mobile apps for the enterprise. Tribe started by offering brands their own native mobile apps and have recently pivoted into integrating a community application into an existing website as well. As the data on native mobile apps is striking–increased engagement, longer retention, and closer connections between your members. When you want to evaluate the only Mighty Networks alternative that offers mobile apps like with Mighty Pro, your best bet is Tribe. 

Tribe cons

Limited community features. Interestingly, while Tribe allows for a way to map a community to an existing website, the actual community features are more limited than on a Mighty Network. There aren’t the same ways to connect members by location or interests, nor other features many have come to expect from online communities. 

No mobile apps outside of the enterprise. While any Mighty Network has the option to access its mobile apps on iOS or Android, this isn’t available with Tribe. With a web only alternative to Mighty Networks at its lower prices, the engagement is more limited. 

No online courses. They simply aren’t an option. 

Mighty Networks alternative #5: AccessAlly

As the last alternative to Mighty Networks we evaluated, AccessAlly is a small learning management system (LMS) that lets you sell courses, online memberships, and digital products. 

AccessAlly pros

Designed for formal online learning. AccessAlly is designed, first and foremost, with formal, conventional online courses in mind. Meant to mirror how instruction has been delivered for hundreds of years, only now online, there are strong features built for progress tracking and quizzes to video bookmarks. 

AccessAlly cons

Complicated customization. AccessAlly is a WordPress plug-in that requires you to have your own hosted WordPress website. Not only will you be on the hook for your WordPress customization and operations, you’ll also have to download, integrate, and pay for additional apps, including a CRM like ActiveCampaign or ConvertKit in order for AccessAlly to work. 

Expensive. On top of the thousands of dollars you’ll pay for your WordPress installation in order to use AccessAlly, you also have to pay for their software. Their lowest tier package starts at $82 per month, and their most popular package is priced at $108 per month for just online courses. 

No community or memberships. Given its focus on its learning management system, AccessAlly is not meant for creating and running memberships or a community. In fact, it believes that an active community in an online course distracts from course content, a contrarian perspective that’s out of step with the direction online courses have rapidly taken over the past few years. 

No alternative to Mighty Networks can  compare to the real thing

Mighty Networks is the only platform that truly has it all: memberships, online courses, content, and community all in one place, all under your brand, and instantly available on every device.

It means that when you choose a Mighty Network, you’re investing in a platform that’s designed to grow with you–as you build a following or an email list, start to think about creating a community, or get ready to launch or grow your own online courses or paid memberships.  

What’s more, with your own Mighty Network, you can celebrate the inherent power in connecting people together who have similar motivations and passions. Your people will be able to build relationships around their shared interests, enabling them to master something interesting, together. 

In the end, this is the fundamental difference between Mighty Networks and Mighty Networks alternatives–the opportunity to deliver more value at a fraction of the cost to you and your members as you build a network that gets more valuable to everyone with each new person who joins.

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