
The Best Online Teaching Platform

There are so many online teaching platforms out there. But one shines more than the rest.

People all over the world are embracing the freedom that online teaching and learning provide them. In turn, there are a number of online teaching platforms on the market offering a space for creators to teach others new things.

The problem is that with so many options available, it becomes harder to figure out what the best platform for teaching online is. The good news is that we’ve made that search easy for you: Mighty Networks is the best online teaching platform out there.

Ahead we’re exploring how our native features, monetization options, and availability on iOS and Android apps make us the best place to teach online.

What is an online teaching platform?

An online teaching platform is a software service that allows creators to build, deliver, and teach online courses in one place. Bonus points if the platform also enables you to build great online communities, too.

There are a variety of models that online teaching platforms can use as well. The two most common models you’ll find are hosted and marketplace.


A hosted online teaching platform will provide you with all the tools you need to build, teach, and monetize your online course. The platform will handle all of the backend maintenance to keep your course up and running so you can focus on your members and content. A hosted platform won’t do the marketing for you, so you’ll have to spend time working on getting your name out there.


On the flip side, a marketplace platform offers a similar experience in that you can build, deliver, and monetize your online course with the service. The big difference is your course will be placed in an ever-growing online course marketplace where you will be competing with a plethora of other creators trying to do the same thing. This is a major downside because it will be much harder to stand out from the pack.

Now that we’ve set up the basics about online teaching platforms, you might be wondering where Mighty Networks fits in. Let’s take a look.

Who we are

Mighty Networks unlocks a new era for independent communities creating and mastering something interesting or important together. We launched back in 2017. And since then, we’ve expanded and refined our tools to build a world-class online community and online teaching platform.

Mighty Networks allows creators to build robust online courses, online communities, memberships, and even virtual events. All of these services are brought to life with a beautiful and clean design aesthetic and easy-to-use features.

Better still, the Mighty Network you create for your online course will have your personal branding across everything and will be available on web, iOS, and Android apps. As you continue to offer courses, you’ll want to have clear analytics that points you in the right direction of where to take your content next. We provide detailed member data, analytics, and direct channels of communication between you and your members.

But this is all just broad strokes in regards to why Mighty Networks is the best platform for teaching online. Continue on as we dive deeper into the nitty-gritty of why what we’ve built is blowing the competition out of the water.

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Native features are a game-changer

What you’ll realize as you research online teaching platforms is that many of them (especially marketplace model platforms) are pretty limiting.

Most platforms will force creators to hinge their course on pre-recorded videos and cobble together the rest. Why? Because many online teaching platforms rely on integrations instead of creating their own native features.

When you build an online course on a Mighty Network you’re gaining a plethora of native features and opening up the capacity to reduce the number of platforms you need to juggle. Many of our competitors will suggest that integrations are a benefit, but in reality, it just means you’ll spend more time checking multiple platforms when you could check one.

So what do you get when you build an online course on a Mighty Network? Let’s take a look at some of the awesome features you’ll have access to:

  • Your online course is available on web, iOS, and Android apps.

  • Discussion board posts, polls, and Q&As.

  • Native livestreaming and the ability to upload pre-recorded videos.

  • The ability to host virtual events and create paid memberships.

  • Direct & group messaging, member profiles.

As you can see, we’ve invested in building online course features for creators. But we also offer resources to help grow your brand through online communities, memberships, and events.

The best part, however, is that all of these features are native to the platform. You won’t have to split your time between platforms or send your members to different places to interact with your content. These might not be things that are on your radar right now, but as your business grows it’s important to have options.

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Your course available everywhere

Another thing to consider when choosing an online teaching platform is how available your course will be. Many platforms for teaching online have limited options for mobile apps or quite simply, none at all.

When you build a Mighty Network, you not only gain all of the native features we talked about above. You also gain the ability to make your online course available to your members across web, iOS, and Android apps all under your brand.

Most online teaching platforms want creators and their members to use their platforms on a computer. In turn, many of these services will view their mobile app experience (if they even have one) as secondary or complimentary.

On a Mighty Network, you will not only be able to brand your course with your logo, colors, and more. But you and your members will also be able to build and interact with content all through the app.

Our platform is available everywhere because we know that availability equals interactivity in online courses and communities. If you want to bring your online course brand to the next level, we also have something great for that too.

Mighty Pro

Mighty Pro is our premium service for creators looking to level up their business in major ways.

You get all of the features offered with Mighty Networks in addition to a white-label mobile app. That means your app has your brand icon and you can deliver branded push notifications, events, and more. When you have your own branding app it brings your business much more legitimacy in the eyes of the consumer and you gain more control over communicating with your members.

Best of all, you can launch your branded community app in as little as three weeks! It’s much faster and more economical than custom development.

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More ways to monetize

Creating and teaching an online course is a lot of work. It’s not easy teaching people how to achieve results they couldn’t on their own. And because of that, online course creators should not only be compensated for their work but also have options for how they are compensated.

The best online teaching platforms will provide creators with a plethora of different ways to monetize their business. The first and most obvious avenue is having options for how you price your online courses themselves.

On a Mighty Network, you have a variety of different options for charging for your content. You can create a one-time fee for your course like you would on many platforms, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Experimenting with monetization is one of the best ways to figure out how to make the most out of your content.

You can create a dedicated online community space for your members with a Mighty Network. Community spaces are another potential way to monetize is charging a monthly membership fee and offering courses for free as part of the membership. Conversely, you could also charge for both. You’d be surprised how many people are willing to double-dip.

There are other options for monetization too. For instance, on top of what we’ve explored above, you can host paid virtual events that people can attend regardless of where they take your online course. You can also bundle your content or whole courses together.

When you have options at your disposal for monetizing your work, you’ll be happier because you have more control, and you’ll entice more people to check out your awesome work.

Mighty Networks is the best online teaching platform

At the end of the day, the best online teaching platform will give you a robust set of tools for building online courses for your members, but it should also do more than that.

What many platforms for online teaching go wrong is in how they limit the control creators have over their work to fit into a specific framework. On top of that, they ask creators to utilize multiple integrations instead of building native tools to assist them in the online course creation.

Mighty Networks is the best online teaching platform because you get an ever-growing suite for native features so you’re juggling fewer hats. Your brand is available anywhere across web, iOS, and Android apps. And you have more ways to monetize your content than anywhere else.

It doesn’t get much better than that, so what are you waiting for?

Let’s start building your online course today

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