
How to Start a Community From Scratch in 2021

You don't need a social media following or an email list to build a successful membership site or launch your first online course. It's surprisingly easy to create something special on a Mighty Network. Let us show you how.

One of the biggest myths among creators today is that in order to launch a paid membership site or your first online course, you have to start with tens of thousands of social media followers or a meaty email list all your own. 

We’re here to tell you that it just isn’t true. 

When you follow a few simple strategies that let you focus on building something special for a handful of people first, not only can you create a successful membership site and/or launch a successful online course, increasingly you are the people leapfrogging 

Why? Because you don’t carry into this new world the same set of limiting assumptions as those who’ve built big social media followings or rely on their email lists. 

Now, that’s not to say that you’re not going to have to get a little creative, stay focused, and start small, but so many of our emerging Mighty Networks have been launched by creators who:

  • Don’t have a social media following

  • Don’t have an email list

  • Don’t have their course content or membership structure built yet

And they are on their way to some pretty great results. 

What sets these emerging creators apart from the rest of us? They have an idea that’s memorable, and it’s specific enough to capture people’s imagination and attention. 

That’s it. That’s all you need.

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What’s the best way for me to get started with a Mighty Network?

Here’s our recommendation:

  1. Take our Community Design™ Accelerator (Available in Mighty Community).  If you are just starting out, you can quickly build your confidence and foundation (including how to launch from scratch) by starting with our Community Design™ Accelerator. We run it in Mighty Community, our Mighty Network for people who are exploring, creating, launching, and growing their own Mighty Networks.It’s a proven program that will give you everything you need to create a community so valuable you can charge for it, and so well-designed that it essentially runs itself.

  2. Explore more articles here in our Resource Center. We’ve got a number of popular articles specifically designed for people just like you who are starting from scratch. A few recommendations are below.

  3. Create a Mighty Network for free. Once you create a Mighty Network on our Free Plan, you’ll get access to a ton of great resources, from a video tutorial to a checklist that highlights a bunch of your key features. Combined with Community Design™ Accelerator, you’ll be able to seize the techniques and strategies that will deliver  you a thriving community with less pain and heartache than focusing on features alone. 

Start Your 14-Day Free Trial

If you just want to explore a few more of the great articles we have here in the Resource Center, here a few recommendations:

The 5 Steps to Building a Website in 2021

How to Create Your First Online Course

Online Course Platforms: Which One is Right For You?

Ready to dive in? We can’t wait to get to know you.

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