
The Best Website Builder for Authors

Creating a website that will foster a community around your brand is what you’ll want with an author’s website. And we know just the platform to help you do that.

If you’re an author looking to boost your online presence and grow your brand, one popular option is using a website building platform.

Building an author’s website is an important step in any writer’s career. But what many authors might not realize is that a simple website often isn’t enough. Most traditional website builders suffer from a lack of interactivity and community building—two elements that could take your own website to the next level.

Ahead, we’re breaking down what to consider when building a website, and why Mighty Networks is the best website builder for authors today.

Building a website is not enough anymore

In the past, building an author’s website was a fairly standard and expected step in any writer’s journey in marketing themselves.

A website provides potential readers and customers with important information about you, your books, upcoming events, and more. These are definitely things you’ll want to build in a website building platform. But that list is missing the most essential aspect of how creators build audiences today: community.

What many creators, entrepreneurs, and authors are finding in our current moment is that it’s hard to stay in the conversation when you rely on content alone. So, what sustains your presence longer? Having your most dedicated, energized and enthusiastic followers commune with one another around your work, and bring new folks into the fold.

Many people have grown tired of the traditional social experiences found on platforms like Facebook. Why? Because these traditional social media platforms are so noisy. What people are looking for are the various, specific communities of people that are interested in the same things as them.

This is true in regards to your work as well! Unfortunately, if you choose a website builder like Squarespace, Wix, WordPress, or something else, you’ll be left looking for a way to create a sense of community on your website.

The best website builder for authors will not only provide an exceptional website building experience but will also provide the tools and features to create a variety of different experiences. Most importantly, all of these experiences built around your work are better when they are powered by community. A Mighty Network will let you do just that.

Let’s unpack who we are, and why our platform is the best website builder for authors.

Who we are

We launched Mighty Networks in 2017. And since then, our powerful software has redefined what a SaaS platform can do for entrepreneurs by powering their digital businesses through community.

Mighty Networks enables entrepreneurs and creators to build communities, digital memberships and subscriptions, online courses, and virtual events all within a beautifully designed website.

It gets better though, the Mighty Network that you build will also be available practically everywhere your members are thanks to our native mobile app support. That means your members can engage with your content on web, iOS, and Android devices (including a plan that gives you native iOS and Android apps all under your branding).

The best website builder for authors will do more than simply build you an awesome website. Ultimately, our platform is all about providing creators and entrepreneurs the tools to create outstanding digital products without the need to juggle a plethora of software and integrations.

But this is all a wide lens perspective of what you can build with a Mighty Network. Come with us as we dive deeper into why we are the best website builder for authors.

Do more all in one place

Whether you’re a burgeoning writer or a seasoned wordsmith, the reality of marketing yourself and your writing to the world today is a time-consuming experience.

For most writers, you’ll have a website, multiple social media accounts, multiple email addresses, and you’ll be wading through the engagement you receive on your work. If that doesn’t sound exhausting, we’re here to tell you that it is. But it doesn’t have to be!

The best website builder for authors is going to be a platform that allows you to build everything you need in one place. That will save you a lot of time juggling a plethora of platforms and more time doing what you love: writing.

A Mighty Network is a great place to build an author’s website because we’ve created a laundry list of features that are natively built into the platform. You’ll spend less time troubleshooting all the various integrations and platforms you’re using to promote your work and engage with your audience.

Additionally, when you’re building an author website that will be a hub for your entire business, you won’t fragment your audience. Instead, you’ll have a much clearer idea of their needs and wants.

But, what are the kinds of features that a Mighty Network provides, you ask? Here’s a list of some features at your disposal on a Mighty Network:

- Your author website on the web, iOS, and Android apps.
- A dedicated online community space for your brand.
- Discussion board posts, polls, and Q&As, live and recorded videos.
- Virtual events, paid memberships & subscriptions, online courses.
- Direct messaging, member profiles, analytics.

So, whether you’re a fiction, nonfiction, wellness, self-help, or some other kind of writer, you can experiment with a variety of different experiences all powered by your community. Have you ever considered running a writer’s workshop? Maybe offering a masterclass around a certain topic? You could even hold your own conference where you bring your audience and other writers together. The most important thing is that it can all be done in one place.

Mighty Networks is the best website builder for authors because it’s an ever-expanding platform where you can grow closer with your audience, and create new opportunities for them and your business.

Your business available everywhere

Another important thing for authors to consider is how easily available their website is for people to access.

In the past, having a professional website and social media accounts were all you needed. But today, it’s becoming harder to keep people’s attention. In fact, traditional social media apps are designed to push peoples’ attention to the next thing as quickly as possible.

The unfortunate reality of building an author’s website on a typical website builder is that people simply don’t spend much time on them. Your audience might visit your homepage for a moment, but will quickly bounce off.

When you choose a software platform like Mighty Networks—a platform built for community engagement—your audience will stay and engage with you longer. And the easiest way to do that is to have a website that is available on web, iOS, and Android devices.

If you’re looking to build a simple website or a complex digital business, your Mighty Network will be incredibly responsive, have a sleek look, and will be easy to use across both computers, phones, and tablets. When your community has a delightful time on your website, they’ll actually want to be there. And that’s huge.

If you’re thinking of going even further with your business goals, we offer a premium plan called that will help you accomplish them. More on that solution— Mighty Pro—ahead.

Mighty Pro

Mighty Pro is our premium plan that delivers all of the features and options of a regular Mighty Network experience and ratchets them up even more thanks to the ability to offer your customers a white-label mobile app.

You might be wondering why an author would want their own mobile application. But think about what we’ve explained above. The internet today is designed to be a constant distraction machine for people.

If you aren’t familiar with what a white-label mobile app is, it’s basically your business’s own personal app that is downloaded within the Apple Appstore and Google Play Store and utilizes your brand icon, delivers branded push notifications, events, and more.

When you have your own app, you will have your audience’s undivided attention on your work. And if that still seems unlikely, just look at how successful author Luvvie Ajayi Jones is utilizing Mighty Pro to supercharge her business with her community, LuvvNation.

And most importantly, our team is set up to help you launch your branded community app in as little as a month! For most people, developing a website and custom-branded mobile app will take months of time and a lot of money.

Both plans are exceptional options for building an author’s website, and if you end up wanting to try Pro down the line, the transition is easy.

A support system you can trust

The best website builder for authors should be a place that has your back. Providing great support is something we at Mighty Networks pride ourselves on.

The reality is that while we would always like things to go smoothly, everyone knows that sometimes things won’t go according to plan. At Mighty Networks, we believe that entrepreneurs are building content and communities that are making the world better. Because of that, we’ve invested a lot of time into developing creative support solutions for our users.

Let’s take a look at one major experience that you won’t find anywhere else.

Mighty Community

Mighty Community is a Mighty Network community we created for entrepreneurs and creators looking to build successful digital businesses on our platform.

When you join Mighty Community, you become a part of a large network of fellow authors, leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs who are all working to accomplish their goals. So, not only is it a great networking tool for meeting others in your field but there are so many other benefits too.

You’ll be able to collaborate, brainstorm, advocate, and support each other. But you also will get access to Mighty Network employees who are experts in the software, as well as knowledgeable about creating awesome digital businesses.

Here are a few benefits of joining:

- You get to meet fellow entrepreneurs who are all trying to accomplish similar things on their own Mighty Networks.
- You’ll make more informed decisions thanks to having access to a wide range of resources for recruiting new members, launching your first online course, or generating revenue from your Mighty Network.
- It’s free!

All of that sounds pretty stellar, right? These are some of the many reasons why the best website builder for authors is Mighty Networks.

Mighty Networks is the best platform to build an author website

We’ve covered a lot today about why Mighty Networks is the best website builder for authors, but it can be summed up fairly easily. Today, traditional website and content creation won’t hold people’s attention, but creating a website that can foster a
thriving community will.

Mighty Networks is the best place to build an author website because every facet of our platform is designed to foster bonds between your supporters and yourself. We believe that community is the future of all digital businesses, and we’re already seeing that idea proven today.

So, instead of making a website that will stagnate fairly quickly, let us help you create a Mighty Network that will grow and change as your own aspirations do. We can’t wait to see what awesome things you’ll create.

Start building your website today!

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