
The Best White Label Online Course Platforms

Want to create an online course under your own brand? We’ve got you covered. Here’s your guide to the best white label online course platforms today.

Creating an online course is kind of a big deal. 

We mean that in a good way. Because online courses bring together a group of individuals who are driven by the pursuit of a shared goal, they can also be an opportunity to create, nurture, and empower a thriving community. It’s just a matter of finding a white label online course platform that offers both in one place.  

With that in mind, we’ve searched the Internet for the best white label online course platforms that seamlessly let you combine courses with community. Read on for an explainer of what a white label online course platform is, what essential features private label online courses should have, and what platforms offer the best online course experience. 

What is a white label online course?

There’s a chance you’re wondering what, exactly, a white label online course is, or what the words white label online course platform mean. 

A white label online course platform is a piece of software that you can customize to make your own, offering online courses under your own branding. When you offer a private label online course, another company does all the hard work for you, from the coding to the mobile app. 

But that doesn’t mean white label online course platforms should be one-dimensional, literally offering just online courses. 

We’re living in a world where most of the products we use day to day have multiple uses, functions, and applications. And a white label online course is no exception to that rule. 

With the right white label online course platform, you’ll be able to do more than just offer immersive online courses. You’ll also have the means to sow the seeds of a thriving community, filled with people who want to master the same topic. 

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What platforms are the best for white label online courses?

Creating an online course can be an energizing way to share your experience or expand your digital business. But what platform will help you put your best foot forward?

While there are plenty of white label online course platforms to choose from, most are focused primarily on delivering online courses, and online courses only. These platforms usually lack features that would help your people share their stories and experiences with each other, which is a missed opportunity as far as keeping people engaged and connected. 

With that in mind, let’s talk about the key features to look out for in a private label online course solution. Ideally, you’re looking for a platform that:

  • Gives your students a way to connect with each other. We said it before and we’ll say it again. Establishing a virtual community where your students can build relationships with each other is essential to a thriving online course. The more your community connects with each other, the more valuable your course becomes. And the more valuable your course becomes, the faster it grows. 

  • Lets you create and organize immersive courses that compliment your content. Simply put, you should be able to deliver your private label online courses with video, audio, PDFs, and images. Plus, your students should have a way to offer feedback and share their own ideas, whether it’s Q&A sessions or a central conversation thread. 

  • Has the potential to evolve with you. You want to be able to deliver a white label online course that can grow and scale with you. Meaning, if you get to the point where, in addition to your courses and community, you want to offer membership subscriptions or access to an exclusive mastermind group, you won’t need a third-party app to get you where you need to go. 

  • Offers a secure native mobile app. If you’re looking to deliver your course via a white label online course platform, a native mobile app is a must-have. It’s an essential way to give your students or followers added opportunities to complete courses and check in with each other. 

Now that you know what to look for, let’s look at the most popular options for white label online courses. 

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White label online course platform #1: Mighty Networks

In the not-so-distant past, creators and online entrepreneurs had to piece together their online courses with different offerings from a variety of third-party apps: one for web hosting, another for course content, another for quiz and survey tools, and yet another to help get their followers in touch with each other. 

Now, there’s Mighty Networks

Mighty Networks is an all-one-platform that allows creators and entrepreneurs to build comminities, create online courses, livestream, and host virtual events. A Mighty Network is offered under your own brand and instantly available on every device, including iOS and Android mobile apps

Here are some other features that come with a Mighty Network:

A course and community under your own brand.

Mighty Networks lets you run private label online courses alongside a dedicated community, together in one place, under your own brand. You truly get the best of both worlds: a dedicated home for dynamic online courses, and a high-value peer-to-peer community where members navigate challenges together on a journey to transformation. 

Create, manage, and organize exclusive courses.

When it comes to structuring and organizing your courses, there are three different ways to deliver a white label online course within a Mighty Network: 

  1. The first option is the content-only online course. With these courses, learners get access to online courses that are built into a membership subscription. 

  2. You can also deliver an online course with a dedicated course community. This is when you offer a course that’s only visible to a subgroup within a larger community.  

  3. Lastly, creators can opt to deliver a live course. That’s when you put a dedicated course community front and center, creating course content as you go. 

No matter how you deliver your courses, a Mighty Network enables you to keep students interested and connected, which in turn means higher completion rates. And when you have higher completion rates, you can deliver greater results to a greater group of people, who will then come back to your community, again and again (and tell other people to join, too). 

There’s plenty of room to grow.

A Mighty Network makes it easy to start small, then scale when you’re ready. When you decide to expand, you can charge for membership subscriptions, offer paid access to mastermind groups, bundle white label online courses, natively livestream in your network, and more. Whatever you choose, you’ll be able to experiment with different combinations, and figure out what model works best for your digital business

A robust native mobile app.

Native mobile apps are a surefire way to give your online course more visibility. When you use a Mighty Network to offer white label online courses, your members will get access to an app where they can complete lessons, check-in with other members, review additional content, and more. 

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White label online course platform #2: Kajabi

Kajabi is a white label online course platform that lets you create and manage online courses, and launch impressive marketing campaigns for those courses. But it doesn’t give members a way to build authentic connections with each other. 

Let’s talk more about what Kajabi offers. 

Dynamic course offerings.

With Kajabi, you’ll have some flexibility as far as structuring your white label online course content, from creating multimedia course materials with text, photos, and videos, to engaging students with quizzes and polls. 

Kajabi also puts a serious emphasis on marketing, offering instructors robust marketing tools to better deliver email campaigns, weekly updates, and landing pages. 

No place for members to connect.

Unfortunately, Kajabi puts a lot less emphasis on community. Because Kajabi offers a web-only online forum, most instructors end up connecting their members by creating and growing a Facebook Group (or at least trying to). But on Facebook, members are too often distracted by everything else that’s going on in the app, from a busy, nonstop cluttered with news stories and updates from family and friends, to the activity in other groups they belong to. 

Limited mobile app.

While Kajabi does offer native mobile app access, the experience is a bit limited and, according to some users, glitchy. There’s also no way to access Kajabi’s forum via its mobile app, so there’s no way for students to really connect unless they’re in front of their home computer. 

White label online course platform #3: Teachable

Teachable is a white label online course platform that lets instructors create and sell online courses on their own website, under their own brand. 

Here’s what else Teachable offers. 

Flexible course set up.

One of Teachable’s biggest pros is that it’s easy to set up and customize. Instructors can add videos, images, and PDFs to their lectures; reinforce lessons with quizzes; enable course compliance; and offer course completion certificates.

No community.

Like Kajabi, Teachable lacks a community option. And like Kajabi, most instructors resort to using Facebook Groups, a place where they have little control over if and how their members connect with each other.

Limited app access.

When it comes to a dynamic mobile app, Teachable just isn’t there. As it is, the Teachable app is a clunkier version of their mobile site, with some users reporting glitches and other challenges. It’s also more limited: depending on whether you’re using the iOS app or the Android app, you may not be able to access comments or other features. 

White label online course platform #4: Thinkific

Thinkific is a platform and website builder that lets you create, market, and sell white label online courses under your own brand. 

A variety of ways to build courses.

If you’re focused on content, and content only, Thinkific is a good choice. You’ll be able to create and sell private label online courses, and either drip those courses out over a period of time or offer all your content at once. You can also supplement lessons with rich multimedia content, including videos, quizzes, surveys, and more. 

But that’s about it. If you want to scale down the line and offer event-based learning like live events or Q&A sessions, or if you want to establish a mastermind group for a few of your members, you’re out of luck. At best, you’ll have to find a handful of additional, third-party apps to ramp up your offerings. At worst, you go without those features completely, giving your people a limited learning experience. 

No dedicated space for community.

Like most white label online course solutions, Thinkific is lacking when it comes to community. There’s just no dedicated space for your members to connect with each other or share their experiences. 

No mobile app.

Although Thinkific is mobile-friendly, the white label online course platform doesn’t have a dedicated native mobile app to speak of. That means your students won’t have a secure, dedicated space to check in on their iOS and Android devices, and you won’t be able to send periodic reminders with push notifications. 

The best platform for creating a white label online course? Mighty Networks

Whether you’re sharing your expertise and passion with the world, or launching a new revenue stream, Mighty Networks is the only platform that lets you combine white label online courses with a thriving course community. And that’s what puts it lightyears ahead of the competition.  

With your own Mighty Network, you can foster relationships between your members; create and organize immersive courses that compliment your content; and offer everything on a secure native mobile app, where members can easily check in with each other, any time. Plus, if you ever decide to expand, a Mighty Network lets you offer membership subscriptions, paid access to groups, and more, under your own brand. 

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