
Kajabi + Mighty Networks: The Perfect Pairing

Pairing an online course platform with an online community platform is a match made in heaven. Ahead, we’re breaking down how you can do it.

If you’re a creator who’s carved out a space for yourself in the online course market, then you know how hard it can be to connect your students together in a community.

Kajabi does a wonderful job at allowing you to offer online courses and market them to the world. But the platform still has some room to grow in the community building space. Pairing Kajabi and Mighty Networks, however, allows you to connect your courses and community together.

Ahead, we’re looking at the benefits of combining Kajabi and Mighty Networks to connect your courses and communities. Then, we’re providing some tips for how you can transition your business fully to a Mighty Network, so your work is all under one roof.

Why community is important for your online courses

If you’ve been teaching an online course through Kajabi up until this point and doing well with it, you might not see the immediate value of adding an online community to your business model.

But if you think back to some of your experiences as a student, one thing that many people value is the people they met through that learning experience.

Community is such an integral part of creating a sustainable course (and a sustainable business). Why? Because bringing together a group of people who are all passionate about the same goal, idea, or problem means that you won’t have to continually create new content to keep people engaged.

In fact, building an online community can allow you to create your own network effect where each new member that joins adds more value to your business. If you’re strictly using Kajabi, you won’t be able to accomplish this, but by pairing Kajabi and Mighty Networks you can.

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The benefits of using Kajabi

Kajabi is an online course platform that has built great tools for marketing and selling your online courses. If you’ve been utilizing the platform for your online course, then you know that they have many different options for landing pages, emails, and sales.

Many people in the online course world have heard of Kajabi and are comfortable with it. The company has built a good platform for creators who are getting started in the online course world thanks to some native features like video hosting, assessments, and discussion posts.

On top of content creation features, Kajabi offers a robust array of options for how creators charge for their content. Your online courses can be sold as a one-time fee or in various increments like monthly or annual. In addition to solid sales features, Kajabi provides analytics so you can make decisions easily, affiliate programs, and more.

But while Kajabi has great tools for delivering an online course, there are almost no community tools to speak of. Using Kajabi and Mighty Networks together, however, will help fill that void.

The benefits of using Mighty Networks

Mighty Networks have paved the way for what modern community platforms can do. We launched back in 2017 and have continued to innovate on what community platforms can be.

Our platform allows creators to create beautifully designed community spaces that use their own branding and are instantly available across web, iOS, and Android apps. Just like Kajabi, we offer full access to member data and analytics, and the opportunity to message all members at any time.

Your online community can be more than a gathering hub for your members though. Your Mighty Network can be a place to host virtual events, livestream, create mastermind groups, offer digital subscriptions, and offer online courses. In fact, we’re the only platform on the market that allows you to do all of these things under the same roof completely under your brand.

As you can see, pairing Kajabi and Mighty Networks can prove to be a wonderful way to run your business.

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The reality of using Kajabi and Mighty Networks together

Using Kajabi and Mighty Networks isn’t as hard as you might imagine it to be. As we stated earlier, Kajabi has some good tools in place for you to offer online courses; that’s probably why you’re there, right? But they don’t have great community building tools. That’s where Mighty Networks comes into play.

The process to get started on a Mighty Network is simple and straightforward. You can get started building an online community space in a few simple steps. But what you should think about before using Kajabi and Mighty Networks together is the Big Purpose behind the community you’re building.

Your Big Purpose is the motivation behind your community. Since you’re already offering online courses on Kajabi, think about what your students aren’t able to achieve simply by taking your course. What can they gain by joining an online community filled with people that are passionate about the same things they are?

Here’s a short exercise to get you started:

Once you’ve figured out your Big Purpose for your online community, you’ll have to spend some time telling your online course members about what you’re building. If you’re curious about what successful businesses are utilizing Kajabi and Mighty Networks together, here are two great examples:

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Examples of successful Kajabi and Mighty Network businesses

Commune + WeCommune

Commune is a premier media company for personal and societal well-being and has focused on providing robust online courses powered by Kajabi. Their online courses cover a variety of topics relating to global wellness, personal growth, mental health, and more. In addition to offering a wide assortment of courses with teachers like Marianne Williamson, Russell Brand, Deepak Chopra, and more.

In addition to their online courses, Commune has a bustling online community with over 100k members on a Mighty Network called “Commune Community.” On their private social network members are able to connect over course material, share insights from their own lives, pose questions, offer advice, and more.

The Business Class + The Lounge

Sophia Amoruso is a successful entrepreneur, New York Times Bestselling Author, and the founder of Girlboss and Nasty Gal. With years of experience starting multimillion-dollar business ventures, Amoruso offers an online course through Kajabi called “Business Class.” Over 8 weeks, members learn skills to develop their brand, marketing and legal knowledge, leadership skills, and more.

Additionally, Amoruso has a thriving online community on Mighty Networks called “The Lounge” which she’s paired with her online course. In The Lounge, members can network with other entrepreneurs taking the course, ask questions, build connections, and offer advice.

A few hurdles to consider

The biggest hurdle for using Kajabi and Mighty Networks together isn’t the platforms themselves, it’s juggling the messaging and directions of sending your members to two different places for online courses and community interaction.

As your Mighty Network community space gains more momentum, you can start offering more experiences to your members such as virtual events, paid memberships, and event online courses. You might be thinking, why would I offer an online course on my Mighty Network when I have one on Kajabi?

The reality of the situation is that while it’s easy to pair Kajabi and Mighty Networks together, it’s ultimately just a ‘good’ solution, not the best solution. A Mighty Network allows you to build an online community space and online course under the same roof which will be much more effective than trying to grapple with two platforms.

Let’s explore why you should transition your Kajabi course over to a Mighty Network.

Bring your course and community together on a Mighty Network

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about the benefits of using Kajabi and Mighty Networks together, but we’ve got to ask, why make things more complicated than they need to be?

Kajabi has a lot of great tools on their platform to build online courses. But because they don’t have an online community feature, it begs the question, why stick around when you can have both elsewhere?

On a Mighty Network, you can give your members a much better experience because the online courses you create are connected with community spaces. That means that your members can interact within your online course or in a general community space for your brand/business.

But there are more practical reasons to stick to one platform too. First, it’s much cheaper to invest in one platform (especially one that allows you to do it all) as opposed to paying for two platforms. Second, it’s much easier to transition your online course students to online community members if the community is integrated right into the platform they are taking your course on.

Finally, at Mighty Networks, we emphasize the value of having a continually evolving, interconnect platform that grows with you and your business. We accomplish that by constantly iterating on our platform and most importantly, offering as many of features natively as possible. That means, virtual events, online courses, paid memberships, and more.

If you’d like to know more, we’ve created a great step-by-step guide for moving your online community to a Mighty Network to make your transition easier.

Mighty Networks is the best place to build a community and online course

Kajabi and Mighty Networks make for a great pair if you’re a creator dipping your toes into building a community for your online courses. But once you’re figured out the basics, it would make the most sense to begin transitioning fully to one platform.

On a Mighty Network, you can create an online course, community, host virtual events, and offer paid memberships. On top of that, our platform has focused on creating great native features and a native mobile app experience so your members can access your content across web, iOS, and Android devices.

When you choose our premium service, Mighty Pro, your brand will always be with your people. On Mighty Pro, you get all of the features offered on a Mighty Network in addition to a white-label branded app. That means, your app will have your branding across push notifications, events, icons, and more. It will also be directly downloadable from the App Store and Google Play Store. Best of all, you can launch your community app in as little as 3 weeks!

So, how about we start building a space for your online course and community together?

Build your course and community today!

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