
Mighty Networks vs. Kajabi

How does a Mighty Network compare to Kajabi? There are 3 major differences. Read on to learn more.

Over the years, more and more people have become interested in taking online courses. This interest has allowed many creators to spread their wings and jump into the online learning world.

Two major players in the online course platform space are Mighty Networks and Kajabi. Both platforms believe in the value of online learning, but approach it in vastly different ways. This can make it hard to know which platform is the best fit for what you’re trying to build.

Ahead, we’ll explore what each of these online course platforms are all about. Then, we’ll compare Mighty Networks vs. Kajabi to see which is best for you.

And if videos are more your speed, we have an awesome video comparison on this topic as well. Click the image below to tune in!

Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks: Who are they?


Kajabi is an online course platform that heavily emphasizes the marketing and selling of online courses. They believe that creators should be able to deliver high-quality online courses and that they should be given the tools to market them as well. This translates into Kajabi focusing a lot of resources on their email, landing page, and sales features that creators can use to get more eyes on their work.

Mighty Networks

Mighty Networks is an all-in-one online course and community platform that provides creators with a robust set of native features and tools to design great content. The platform has been around since 2017 and first revolutionized what creators could achieve through building a private community space for their businesses.

Over the years, Mighty Networks has continued to add new functionality with great online course options that fully integrate with communities, paid memberships, and even the ability to host virtual events.

Although the two platforms have similar functionality, they have plenty of differences, too. Let’s take a look at the three key features that set these two online course platforms apart.

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Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks: Different approaches to “all-in-one” platform

Both Mighty Networks and Kajabi are presented as “all-in-one” solutions for creators looking to build online courses. But you might be wondering what exactly that means. The reality is that the terms can mean different things to different companies and the same is true for Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks.

In broad strokes, all-in-one solutions are designed to provide creators with everything that they need to design an online course, launch it, and market it. These kinds of platforms should make your job easier by giving you all the tools in one place to run your business instead of having to juggle multiple solutions at the same time.

Let’s take a look at how Kajabi and Mighty Networks approach this topic below.


Kajabi’s strength is in its delivery of paid content online courses. Their platform is effective in offering creators aggressive marketing tactics to sell online courses and memberships and it does it extremely well.

When you build an online course on Kajabi, you’ll be able to design your content on the platform, creating awesome landing pages, sales pages, email drip campaigns, and more.

When Kajabi talks about its “all-in-one” platform, though, their focus is largely on sales and marketing concerning your online courses. What that also means is their platform has de-emphasized the importance of community in propelling your online course to new heights. A key aspect of any class is connecting with your students and forging bonds between your students.

Unfortunately, Kajabi doesn’t have many resources for this outside of a fairly antiquated forum-based add-on.

Mighty Networks

Comparing Mighty Networks vs. Kajabi the differences between what an “all-in-one” online course platform means becomes apparent. At the heart of the Mighty Networks experience is the belief that community is the gateway to creating successful online courses.

But we take it a step further. On a Mighty Network, you can create online courses, paid online community spaces, and even host virtual events, complete with native livestreaming, all within one network. That means that you can easily transition students who complete your course into paying members of an ever-expanding community around your brand.

The best part of a Mighty Network? It’s instantly available to your members or students on every platform—web, iOS, and Android. And when you’re ready, you can upgrade to offer your entire package of courses, community, and memberships on your native mobile apps available directly in the Apple App and Google Play Stores.

While a Mighty Network doesn’t have the same level of complex marketing flows as Kajabi, the power of the community and native mobile apps drive better results, faster growth, and deeper engagement. They more than makeup for what’s lost with Kajabi’s more aggressive marketing tactics.

The bottom line: Kajabi and Mighty Networks take different approaches to what “all-in-one” can be. But when it comes to the number of features and experiences one can create on these two platforms Mighty Networks edges out Kajabi. Creators can build great online courses in addition to online communities, paid subscriptions, and virtual events, all done with native features instead of integrations.

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Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks: Pricing and monetization

The next feature we’ll look at in our comparison of Mighty Networks vs. Kajabi is how each platform navigates pricing and monetization. Let’s dive in.


A big aspect of any creator’s decision between Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks should be the pricing and monetization options that they allow. Kajabi offers a great range of tools for creators to sell their content, but it comes at a hefty price tag.

Kajabi’s cheapest plan starts at $150/month and is severely limited in terms of what you can do. Their most popular plan is the “Growth” tier which is $200/month and gives creators access to unlimited landing pages, marketing emails, Kajabi University (a resource center filled with articles and guides), 1 website, and more.

But if you’d like more one-on-one help to bring your online course to the next level, you may end up spending an additional $100/month on Kajabi Access to work with a representative. That’s a lot of money, especially if you’re starting from scratch. On top of these costs, you'll also need to pay for the integrations you intend to use to supplement Kajabi's features.

In terms of monetization, Kajabi offers a robust assortment of options to creators who are looking to charge for their content. Online courses can be sold at a one-time, monthly, or annual fee or completely free. They also provide creators options for recurring payments in the form of subscription models.

Mighty Networks

We believe that offering an exceptional “all-in-one” platform also means that it’s priced at a point where many people have access to it. When it comes to Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks, there is a stark difference in perspective on how the platforms approach their pricing.

On Kajabi, creators must opt-in to a free trial of the product before they can even mess around with the features available on the platform. This isn’t the case for Mighty Networks. We offer a free plan that is great for people who are just looking to see what the platform is all about and get a taste of what they can do on it.

And once you’ve decided it’s right for the online courses you’re interested in running, our Business plan starts at only $98/month. You’ll get all of the awesome tools to use in making a thriving community space in addition to online courses, analytics, member data, and more.

In addition to offering creators a wide range of ways to create content (courses, events, and communities) they can also charge for these things.

All of these options give creators numerous ways to monetize their business. But there is more to it than that. When you have different monetization options it also gives your members more agency with how they interact with your content. That’s huge.

The bottom line: When comparing pricing Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks it’s pretty clear that creators get a better deal with Mighty Networks. You will pay significantly less for a Mighty Network and you get more features to work with. Both platforms offer a range of options for monetization, but with the variety of experience you can offer on a Mighty Network, you will have more ways to appeal to different groups in your monetization plans.

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Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks: Onboarding and user experience

Lastly, let’s take a look at how Kajabi and Mighty Networks each approach onboarding and user experience.


Kajabi on the other hand is a much more challenging platform to get started on. While they offer great tools and features for course creators to sell and market their courses, it all comes packaged within a pretty complicated experience.

For example, when you first start an online course with Kajabi you will be tasked with a 15 step checklist that needs to be completed to launch your first course. This is a pretty stressful experience, especially if you’re just starting to build your first online course. On top of that, the pricing between Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks becomes ever-present during the setup phase as well.

We’ve talked about how much more expensive the service is as a whole, but you’re also racing the clock in some regards to getting everything set up before the hefty subscription price begins.

And if you’re interested in more in-depth resources and help for the online course you build on Kajabi, you’ll need to join their premium Kajabi Access service which is more money on top of your monthly subscription.

Mighty Networks

One of the most important factors for choosing an online course platform is choosing software that is easy to use yet powerful in functionality.

Comparing Mighty Networks vs. Kajabi on this front it becomes apparent that Mighty Networks is leagues ahead. Creators can easily get started building an online course from scratch in a few simple steps when they start a Mighty Network. The platform presents user-friendly tools for building online courses as you go.

In addition to an easy-to-use onboarding experience that allows creators to quickly build and launch their courses, Mighty Networks offers a wide array of resources to help people along. We have a private online community for anyone using a Mighty Network to join called Mighty Hosts. Creators can connect with other people who are building awesome online courses or communities on the platform as well as Mighty Network employees for expert advice.

The bottom line: In terms of onboarding and user experience between Mighty Networks vs. Kajabi, it’s pretty clear that Mighty Networks is a much simpler platform to get started on and provides more resources for creators interested in learning the platform at a much lower cost.

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Alternative option: Pairing a Kajabi online course + Mighty Networks online community

Conversely, if you find that you can’t decide between Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks, there is another option you can take. We have seen many successful big-name creators utilize both platforms and create a powerhouse business.

One option is to utilize Kajabi (or another course platform) to create an online course and then utilize a Mighty Network to build a community to pair with it. Online communities are valuable to creators because they are a more reliable and sustainable method of retaining your supporters long after the online course is completed.

On your Mighty Network, you can host virtual events, create a paid membership site, connect your online course students, and much more. These are all experiences that will heighten the foundation you’ve built on Kajabi and bring your business to new heights.

Examples of Mighty Networks paired with Kajabi

Commune + WeCommune

Commune is a premier media company for personal and societal well-being and has focused on providing robust online courses powered by Kajabi. Their online courses cover a variety of topics relating to global wellness, personal growth, mental health, and more. In addition to offering a wide assortment of courses with teachers like Marianne Williamson, Russell Brand, Deepak Chopra, and more.

In addition to their online courses, Commune has a bustling online community with over 100k members on a Mighty Network called “Commune Community.” On their private social network members can connect over course material, share insights from their own lives, pose questions, offer advice, and more.

The Business Class + The Lounge

Sophia Amoruso is a successful entrepreneur, New York Times Bestselling Author, and the founder of Girlboss and Nasty Gal. With years of experience starting multimillion-dollar business ventures, Amoruso offers an online course through Kajabi called “Business Class.” Over 8 weeks, members learn skills to develop their brand, marketing, and legal knowledge, leadership skills, and more.

Additionally, Amoruso has a thriving online community on Mighty Networks called “The Lounge” which she’s paired with her online course. In The Lounge, members can network with other entrepreneurs taking the course, ask questions, build connections, and offer advice.

In other words, if you are committed to building an online course via a platform like Kajabi, there’s still room to use a Mighty Network to bring your course members together before, during, or after your course.

Mighty Networks is the best place to build an online course

We’ve covered a lot today, but when it comes down to Mighty Networks vs. Kajabi, Mighty Networks is the clear winner. On our platform, creators can produce awesome online courses and content natively that is all powered by community building features. But we offer creators much more than that.

At Mighty Networks, we’ve built the best online course experience around because we know just how valuable it is to give creators a plethora of tools to work with. When you choose to build your course on Kajabi you’re just restricting yourself. Here are just a few of the many things you can do with Mighty Networks:

  • Offer paid memberships.

  • Have your own branded app that is accessible in the App Store and Google Play store.

  • You can post live and recorded videos, images, and audio clips.

  • **Native livestreaming and video storage for your Mighty Network

  • Create polls, discussion boards, quizzes, and Q&As.

  • Build fully customizable online courses with dedicated community spaces.

  • Host virtual events.

And our platform is constantly evolving with new and exciting features for creators to utilize in their business. Your Mighty Network is available across the web, iOS, and Android. So, you get more customization, flexibility, and mobility than what you can get on other platforms. Sounds pretty great, right?

Let’s get started!

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