
Teachable vs. Mighty Networks

Finding the right platform to host your online courses is important. We’re comparing two popular options to see which one is right for you.

Choosing an online course platform is one of the most important steps that any course creator will make. When you pick the best course platform for your needs, you’ll be able to reach heights you never thought possible.

Two platforms that are popular in the online course landscape are Teachable and Mighty Networks. Both approach online courses differently and those differences can have a major impact on your business.

Ahead, we’re exploring Mighty Networks vs. Teachable and determining which is the better option for online course creators.

Teachable vs. Mighty Networks: Who are they?

Before we start comparing Mighty Networks vs. Teachable, it’s important to set up what these platforms are all about.


Teachable is an online course platform that allows creators to build primarily video-based courses. They have a focus on customization and ease of use for creators to get up and running. The typical content that Teachable creators focus on are things like lectures, presentations, live coaching sessions, and surveys that members can interact with.

Mighty Networks

Mighty Networks is an all-in-one online course and community platform that provides creators with a robust set of native features and tools to design great content. The platform has been around since 2017 and first revolutionized what creators could achieve through building a private community space for their businesses. Mighty Networks unlocks a new era for independent communities creating and mastering something interesting or important together.

Teachable vs. Mighty Networks: Judgement Criteria

We’ve curated a set of criteria for assessing an online course platform, so it will be easier to judge which platform is better for your needs. Below are three key factors that should be on every creator’s list for choosing an online teaching platform:

  • Customization and features. On a basic level, there are a few similarities between Mighty Networks vs. Teachable. But understanding how the different platforms approach addressing customization, for instance, is a big sign for the kind of experience you’ll have using the platform. When you have the freedom to try new forms of content when you create an online course, that is a major value. Some great features are: live and recorded video, polls, Q&As, discussion boards, direct messaging, and subgroups.

  • Monetization. Great tools for monetizing your online course are also a major aspect to consider. Monetization is not simply a way to charge people for your work, it is also a means to make your business more sustainable and provide new experiences you couldn’t afford otherwise. A major part of monetization that we value is giving creators many options for how they charge for their courses. Common ways of doing this are one-time, monthly, or annual fees. Another option is providing additional resources for a fee like one-on-one time. Most importantly, every option should be easy to use from implementing it to customers utilizing it.

  • Native mobile app experience. When your online course members can access your content wherever they are, then they are much more likely to stay engaged and active. Not all platforms prioritize creating the robust native mobile app experience you need to make your course available on the go. Choosing a platform that does have an awesome native mobile app is important.

While there are plenty of ways to evaluate Mighty Networks vs. Teachable, these criteria will provide a holistic perspective on the things that matter most. Ahead, we’re breaking down which online course platform you should pick, Teachable or Mighty Networks.

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Teachable vs. Mighty Networks: Customization and native feature set


Teachable offers  a good range of customization options for creators who utilize the platforms. Building an online course on Teachable will give you access to their “power editor” which is software designed to help build video lectures and live coaching. You’ll also have options for quizzing your students, third party integrations, unlimited access to video bandwidth, unlimited students and courses.

But a major weakness of the Teachable platform is that it doesn’t have much in the way of online community building tools. Having a community to couple with your online course is important because it gives your members a place to go when they complete your content. It gives your business legs, so to speak. At the end of the day, you can make the best content possible, but if you haven’t created a thriving community of people who will talk about it then it will lose steam.

Mighty Networks

In terms of customization and features, a Mighty Network provides creators with a sweeping catalogue to choose from. What sets the Mighty Networks platform apart from many online course platforms on the market is that you can do much more than simply build a course. On a Mighty Network, you can combine online courses with a virtual community space that is completely synchronous with your content, host virtual events thanks to live video capability, and much more.

Mighty Networks provides many tools:

  • You can build online courses and communities all under the same roof.

  • You can natively livestream in your Mighty Network, and postrecorded videos, text-based articles, polls, and more.

  • You can create small groups and gated content.

  • And you can utilize an “activity feed” feature that makes it easy for members to keep track of all the awesome content you’re providing.

This emphasis on providing creators multiple avenues to create content and experiences for your members also frees you of relying on numerous integrations to make your business function.

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Teachable vs. Mighty Networks: Monetization


In terms of monetization between Teachable vs. Mighty Networks, Teachable has some pretty good options for creators. You can build aesthetically pleasing landing pages, and there are options for different subscription models, membership, and even content bundles.

On top of that, Teachable offers creators a good amount of options for analytics so you can make the best decisions possible for your online course business. Another unique feature that Teachable offers is the ability to appoint members into leadership roles and even pay them for their work.

Mighty Networks

Monetization is another important factor between Teachable vs. Mighty Networks. In addition to offering creators a wide range of ways to create content (courses, events, and communities) creators can also charge for these things.

All of these options give creators numerous ways to monetize their business. But there is more to it than that. When you have different monetization options it also gives your members more agency with how they interact with your content. That’s huge.

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Teachable vs. Mighty Networks: Native mobile app experience


Teachable offers a mobile app, but it is exclusive to iOS. It’s great that they offer  a mobile app experience for some users and creators, but without Android – which has 85%+ global market share – they are leaving a big piece of the pie on the table. Additionally, their app is primarily designed for students to use as a supplemental tool instead of a main access point.

That is a major downside to their platform. Especially because you want your members to have the ability to engage with your content no matter where they are. Picking an online course platform with native app support will make your business future-proof too, and provide your members with more ways to interact with your content.

Mighty Networks

Having your online course available to you and your members anywhere you are is critical. When it comes to a native mobile app experience for Mighty Networks vs. Teachable, the Mighty Networks options are just more robust.

If you build your course on a Mighty Network, your members will have the ability to utilize our app to access and engage with your content on the go. Additionally, our app is available across web, iOS, and Android devices which provides more availability than Teachable. And if you’d like to take your business to the next level we have Mighty Pro which allows you to build your own white-label mobile app.

This means that your members can interact with each other and your content whenever, in whatever way works for them.

Mighty Networks is the best platform to host your online courses

So, we’ve covered a lot today, but when it comes down to Mighty Networks vs. Teachable, Mighty Networks is the clear winner. On our platform, you will be able to produce robust online course content through a wide swath of native features.  But we offer creators much more than that.

At Mighty Networks, we’ve built the best online course experience around because we know just how valuable it is to give creators a plethora of tools to work with. When you choose to build your course on Teachable you’re just restricting yourself. Here are just a few of the many things you can do with Mighty Networks:

  • Offer paid memberships.

  • Have your own branded app that is accessible in the App Store and Google Play store.

  • You can natively livestream in your Mighty Network

  • Post videos, images, and audio clips.

  • Create polls, discussion boards, quizzes, and Q&As.

  • Build fully customizable online courses with dedicated community spaces.

  • Host virtual events.

And our platform is constantly evolving and iterating on the experiences we give creators to build awesome content. Your Mighty Network is available across the web, iOS, and Android. More customization, flexibility, and mobility sounds pretty great, right?

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