
The Benefits of White Label Membership Sites

Creating your own white label membership site can bring your business to the next level. We’re exploring why they are so effective. 

If you’re a creator searching for more control, customization, and growth for your business, then you should create a white label membership site.

In the past, creators had to use platforms like Facebook to create an online community or membership. But today, there are a wide range of platforms that allow creators to build white label membership sites so they can grow and monetize their online communities.

Ahead, we’re exploring what a white label membership site is and how you can use one to build a thriving community.

What is a white label membership site?

A white label membership site is an online community website built on a SaaS platform that utilizes your own branding. So, when you create an online community on a private label membership site, you’re essentially building your own private social network. That means your content is only available to those who are part of your community.

The good news is that it’s never been easier for creators to start building an online community than right now. There have been a number of great online community platforms that have entered the market. And each of them provides a much more personalized experience than what you’ll get on a Facebook Group.

While it might seem odd to move away from a platform with such a huge audience, the reality is that platforms like Facebook are designed to create noise and keep people’s eyes moving to the next thing. However, if you have your own private network you’ll have more success engaging with your members because everything they see will be curated by you. On top of that, a white label membership site will give you and your members more ways to connect with one another than ever before.

Now that we’ve covered some of the basics, let’s explore some key benefits.

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The benefits of a white label membership site

White label membership sites have become more and more popular because of the power and flexibility that they offer creators and businesses.

While there are plenty of reasons to consider moving your community to a private label membership site, we’ll focus on three of the most impactful benefits that make the switch worthwhile.

1. Native features and customization

When you pick a white label membership site, you’ll have access to a wide range of prebuilt features and customization options. These features are important because they allow creators to build thriving community spaces for their members.

If you’ve ever tried building a community on a platform like Facebook or Slack, you know just how limited the features can be. Often, you’ll be left figuring out how you can integrate a secondary platform into your community to get the functionality you want.

Private label membership sites are much more flexible and can bend and change to what you want for your community. Here are some of the features that we think can help you grow an online membership site:

  • Discussion boards.

  • Native livestreaming and recorded video.

  • Polls, surveys, and Q&As.

  • Build and launch online courses.

  • Paid memberships and subscriptions.

  • Virtual event hosting.

You may have a specific idea for what your membership site will be, that’s great! Even if you don’t utilize all of the features above, think about them as possibilities for expanding your business later.

2. Monetization

Another benefit that white label membership sites have over more traditional platforms is that they offer a much wider array of ways to monetize your business.

Many traditional platforms will make it hard for creators to monetize because their business models rely on users interacting with ads. White label membership sites take away that factor and allow you to charge access for your community.

That being said, monetization is more than just making money off of your members. It’s also about offering them a greater sense of choice. When your members have multiple ways of paying for your work, it gives them more autonomy and freedom to support you in the ways that feels right to them.

If it isn’t apparent yet, all of the features we’ve covered are potentially new avenues to monetize your work later on. For example, you might have someone who simply wants to pay to join your membership site. But conversely, you could offer an online course or host a virtual event using that as a gateway for someone to join your online community.

3. Native mobile app experience

Finally, a feature that is often overlooked and undervalued with some private label membership site platforms is the ability to have a native mobile app. Your members should be able to access your community no matter where they are. And an app allows them to do that.

But a native mobile app is more than just making your white label membership site more available. It also cuts down on distractions, gives your brand more legitimacy, and increases engagement too.

TL;DR: Choosing a white label membership site platform that allows your community to be available across the web, iOS, and Android is a great investment in the long run.

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Examples of white label membership sites

So you’re probably wanting some white label social network examples. Ahead, we’re showcasing a few creators that have built thriving communities on their own private network.


Anne Cocquyt created
The GUILD as a paid membership site where women entrepreneurs and leaders can connect, network, and further advance their personal and professional development. Cocquyt has utilized her private network to keep all of the women entrepreneurs she’s gathered together in a supportive community. She’s been able to expand her business by offering virtual events like paid webinars, online courses, and one-on-one sessions with members. By building her online community on a white label social network platform she has been able to make a five-figure revenue stream and gain over 1,000 members.

BuJo U

Ryder Carroll created
BuJo U as a paid membership site for people enthusiastic about bullet journaling to network and share resources for how to better organize their life. After years of struggling with ADD, Carroll searched for a way to tune out the noise in his head and create an organizational methodology to unlock his full potential. Now, he utilizes the knowledge he’s gleaned from years of practice to help others do the same. His white label membership site has over 750 members and has created a five-figure revenue stream.

The Circle

Lauren Ash created
The Circle by Black Girl in Om as a paid membership site for Black women and women of color seeking to grow in radical love, gratitude, and embodied liberation through sharing resources, community, and events. Ash has long had a passion for teaching the tenants of holistic well-being. After attaining her yoga teaching certification she began hosting a weekly gathering for Black women and people of color centered around yoga and self-care. The Circle by Black Girl in Om has quickly grown into a community of over 200 members and created a five-figure revenue stream for Ash.

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A Mighty Network is the best place to build white label memberships site

So, we’ve talked all about the benefits of utilizing a white label membership site, but none of that matters if you don’t choose a great online community platform to build yours on. There are a plethora of options on the market, but none will be as good as choosing a Mighty Network.

We launched back in 2017 and our platform has grown to define how creators create successful digital businesses all powered by community.

When you build your community on a Mighty Network you can create beautiful community pages that are all under your own branding. Your membership site can be offered through a native mobile app experience on both iOS and Android devices. And you’ll have full access to member data.

On top of all that, we offer all of the features that were explored in this article. That means you get outstanding community features, online course creation tools, and can host dynamic virtual events.

Mighty Networks is making it easier for creators around the globe to build awesome online communities and grow their businesses while doing it. Best of all, our platform is constantly evolving with new features.

Sounds pretty awesome, right? Let’s start building your community together.

Start building your membership site today!

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